Thursday, October 8, 2009

Best (Worst?) YouTube Names

Klaus Varley

The names below are culled from the comments section of the YouTube video, "Glenn Beck DESTROYS Richard Blumenthal, " which, after searching "Glenn Beck" on YouTube, was the first pro-Beck video to come up. The first seven or eight did not paint Beck in such a glowing light, and the commenter names weren't nearly as humorous.*

What's in a name? Everything. Okay, not "everything," but names say a little something about your personality - especially if you chose it yourself. Below are a collection of YouTube monikers followed by an educated guess about the character of the person behind the letters. -KV


nowhiteguilthere - Native American shaman.

FatLibertarian - Likes meat.

demdouches - Did not wait in line to see Capitalism: A Love Story

ilovethiscountry1 - Brazilian beach volleyball referee.

TheTruthHurts9999 - Has good teeth.

MissingGWdotcom - Didn't miss Bush when he was on vacation 42% of his time in office during the eight months leading up to 9/11.

- Loves an old fashioned mix of conservatism and homophobia.

northernpatriot54 - Proud to be a Canadian.

mssedmebich - Good at dodging spelling classes.

anticheese - Lactose intolerant.

- Great at evil, bad at disguising motives.

chancellordumbfuck - A fan of contradictions.

tasha19862005 - Likes numbers.

- Into S&M.

chocolatefuckingmilk - Peter Pan.


* Star.

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