Thursday, October 15, 2009

A letter to the neighbors moving in that I didn't give to them, instead rewriting it to make it "nice."

To Our New Neighbors Below Us:

Thank you for your note last month alerting us of the ongoing construction on your unit. It was very polite and cordial. And quiet. The letter was, I mean.

For the most part, the construction noise has been reasonable, intermittently scaring the crap out of our me and our cat eight hours during the day. But those are business hours, so, whatever.

Today, however, the pounding began at 7am. Because the GRRRAZZZZHTTHHHHZZZ and HHEEPPPECKCKKKKKKKACCKKKKK is directly below our apartment, it is impossible to block out the noise. (You may have though I was joking about how the noise scares me and the cat. Now you know I was not.)

Is there any chance that future work on your place could begin later in the morning? That would be greatly appreciated and super conducive to a neighborly atmosphere.

Warmest Welcome,

-Charlie Luzon

P.S. The letter can also be summed up in the following poem:

When you move in
I can stomp
and you'll hear it
So tell your construction people
to chill.
As Klaus says,


Laura said...

This already sounds pretty "nice."

Klaus Varley said...

Maybe...But kinda a bad introduction, right?

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