Friday, May 16, 2008

Searching for Keyword Brothel + The Assassination of Jesse James

This is a pretty straight-foward blog, written as I procrastinate doing any type of productive (read: history) work on a Friday evening. -KV

Looking for a piece I have about keywords hitting the site. Was something about the top keywords, making fun of the adult nature of each one. They were all things like naked, boobies, brothel, and what not. I thought it was called Keyword Brothel.

It seems I have thought wrong.

So it turns out that I'm writing a blog entry. Or am I simply writing a blog?

Since I'm writing a blog, lets jump topics. I just watched The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, (which is listed on IMDB as Jesse James, 2007) and though it is not bad at parts, the voice-over reminds me of The Royal Tenenbaums, but pretentious.

You might think, wait, Tenenbaums was pretentious. Well, this was pretentious not in the"we know we can't really make a serious movie, so hopefully you'll find this quirky" sort of way, but in the "we are artists, we shoot on film, this is serious."

How can you tell the difference? Here's a line from James.

"Rooms seemed hotter when he was in them. Rains fell straighter. Clocks slowed."

And here's a line from the Alec Baldwin voice-over in Tenenbaums:

"No-one spoke at the funeral, and Father Petersen's leg had not yet mended, but it was agreed among them that Royal would have found the event to be most satisfactory."

Maybe Jesse James was just too long. Or maybe I just love me some Tenenbaums.

Or maybe Jesse James is freakin' long.

1 comment:

Klaus Varley said...

Thank you, anonymous, for your non-spam-like message.

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