Thursday, October 30, 2008

10 Reasons to Vote for John Sidney McCain

This article lacks...what's the word...oh yes, "seriousness." -KV

Ten Reasons to Vote for John S. McCain (if you haven't done so already)

Klaus Varley

10. Because the last 8 years were great. That war, this economic crisis. Hogwash. Republicans-4-lif.

9. Because women shouldn't have the right to choose to have an abortion. That's what a 2000 year old, translated text is do our thinkin' for us.

8. Because McCain knows how to fix the economy, or at least knows a lot more than when he said he didn't know much about it (2007).

7. Because you love it when McCain gets that "I'm back in de tiger cage!" look on his face.

6. Because the biased liberal media will never admit that Obama is a Muslim who pals around with terrorists, but you know better, because, well you haven't seen any "facts," but they must be hiding something...the Democrats are the Hiders. No, no proof of that either, but uh, you can just tell.

5. Because black people are just different. And half-black people are TOTALLY different. C'mon! Why don't they bring up Reverend Wright more often?

4. Because hot headed men are hot. (Duh, it's in their name)

3. Because more US soldiers and Middle Eastern civilians should die for oil, I mean, freedom.

2. Because Palin is hot. The Republicans have the hot ticket this year!

1. Because you can't trust people who are smarter than you. McCain / Palin 08 - they ain't smarter than us. That should be their slogan. I should know - I'm smarter than them...are.


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