Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Church of Moron - and other fun names for the Mormon Church

We here at The Brothel don't advocate slander, but if you're going to slander, you might as well slander a large religious-based cult that uses its money and influence to deny citizens rights.*


Relax, they can take it. The sense of humor of a Mormon is purported to be twice that of an ordinary, non-apocalypse fearing human.

So, for all you haters out there, here's a list of some not-so-nice names people are calling The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints these days. (Note: Some names we just made up, because hey, research is freakin' hard...) -KV

Compiled by The Literary Brothel

-Church of Moron


-Bright Eyed Jesus Freaks

-Missionaries and More

-MorMen and their Wives

-Racism Co.

-A Feast of Fools

-The Crazy Religion filled with hot girls who wait until marriage

-Homophobes R Us

-The Mormon Cult

-A Religion of People like Stephenie Meyer

-A Religion of Snowboarders

-A Religion of People like Brandon Flowers

-Candy Land (Don't ask)

-A Religion of People they make fun of on South Park



Yeah, that's all we've got. Feel free to make up your own.

See, it's not so easy to hate.

Or is it?

You tell me, dummy.



*I'm referring, of course, to Proposition 8 in California, but this is not the first time Mormons have gotten out of line. Please read Jon Krakauer's awesomely amazing Under the Banner of Heaven for all the goodies on the LDS, Brigham Young, and more!

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