Thursday, November 6, 2008

5 Reasons McCain Lost

Five Reasons John McCain Lost the 2008 Presidential Race
by Klaus Varley

5. YouTube

Most people fail to realize that this is the first Presidential election in the time of YouTube. Not significant? Before YouTube, you could say things like "don't vote for McCain, he jokes about bombing Iran," and it has some affect. But when you can say, "hey, look at this clip of the 72 year-old candidate caught singing "Bomb bomb Iran," and afterwards watch the 47 year-old candidate give a phenomenal speech, well, YouDo the math.

4. The Financial Crisis

One candidate seemed to at least have some understanding of economics, and that candidate was not John McCain. Didn't help that McCain admitted his lack of knowledge on the subject at least three times, and pledged to defer to his Vice President. It also didn't help that he has at least seven houses. As Chris Rock said, "I'm voting for the guy with one house. John McCain can lose half his houses and still sleep comfortably."

3. He was on the Republican Ticket

With the economy kaput and a never ending war under their belt, Republicans are on the outs. Anyone running with an (R) next to their name was going to have an uphill battle. And when McCain flip-flopped on most of the issues that made him stand out from the party, he went from "Maverick" to "mave(R)ick."

2. Katie Couric

Lobbing questions at Sarah Palin that any third-grader could answer (such as "Which publications do you get your news from?") somehow became a clear-cut argument for why Palin was unqualified to become Vice President. You have to wonder if Couric had harder questions written...("If she can't name one freakin' newspaper or magazine, it looks like I won't need to go into what she thinks of Frank Rich's column excoriating Alaskan politics..")

...and the number one reason McCain lost the 2008 Presidential Election?

1. He got less votes

Some jokes never get old.

Or do they?



Anonymous said...

Some of your points are valid, although McCain's excellent sense of humor should not be seen as a reason for losing. If anything it was a saving grace. Even though most stubborn observer could see that McCain had no intention of bombing anything regardless of his making light of the situation with the Iranians. The economy and Palin pushed him over. He was well liked enough and moderate enough to have won.

Laura said...

No, actually, I think he had every intention of bombing anything he could. Later, he might say "oops, maybe that wasn't the best idea," but it would be too late then, and the old fart would have gotten the U.S. into yet another mess. Rashness is his middle name (refer to his unthought-out response to the economic nosedive).

But regardless, joking about bombing a country, ANY country, is NOT funny.

Klaus Varley said...

Thanks for the comments, Steve. I don't think you have to be a stubborn observer to think McCain might be dangerous. Pat Buchanan said that McCain would be a war-time president, and make good on his (McCain's) promises that there "will be more wars." I'm pretty sure Pat ain't the stereotypical stubborn observer.

I must also, however, disagree with you about McCain's sense of humor. Sometimes it was good, but when he went for the cheap, mean jokes "Bomb Iran," he stopped being funny.

Perhaps that piece on McCain's Humor vs. Obama's Humor that I wanted to write before the election ended will still come about...

Thanks again for the comments...


NOTE: Steve Awesome's page is a porn site. Click for porn. Don't click if it is the morning and you're just getting online and not ready to see porn.

Laura said...

Yeah, I was at work when I clicked on it to see who that guy was. Great. Now I have that in my browsing history. At work. Ugh.
Steve is NOT awesome.

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