Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Original Literary Brothel Greeting

Below is our original front page from 2001, now edited (because geez, we used to swear a lot). The "Brothel Forum" mentioned is long defunct. I don't remember why we shut it down, but I do remember the tears. Lots and lots of tears. - KV


Welcome to the Literary Brothel. A place where we air our grievances, concerns, desires, and all non-rational thoughts we might have. A place where we whore out the deepest and most intimate details of our lives, exposing them for public ridicule in exchange for a little bit of internet fame. But mostly it is a forum for us to write about everything that pisses us off or makes us laugh or both. So read on and enjoy!

Submissions Wanted:

Feel free to submit Poetry, Screenplays, Treatises, or general social commentary and we (or one of our computer friends with a future) will post it on the page. Let the praises and insults of the internet public be the flame in which your character is forged. And if your creativity is best stimulated in the demeaning of another's work then feel free to do so in the Brothel Forum. If you're offended by the stuff you read here, sorry, but we're angry, hate filled people, who will stop at nothing to convert you to our way of thinking... God Bless.

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