Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Top Ten Secrets About Obama's Health Care Plan

Top Ten Secrets About Obama's Health Care Plan

Klaus Varley

Obama or Democrats or any other socialist you ask about these claims is going to deny them until the cows come home. Even after the cows are home, they'll still deny them. There's a reason they call them secrets. -KV

Under Obama's plan...

10. All blue-eyed children will be forced to wear brown contacts.

9. Spitting on the sidewalk will become a privilege, not a right.

8. Abortions will not only be covered, they'll now be called, "Happy-Fun-Baby-Death."

7. The name of the country will be changed to "The United States of Canafrance."

6. New York Post cartoonists won't be covered.

5. Double-dutch will not be allowed in schools for fear of injury.

4. Our prescription drugs will be replaced with tie-dyed flower hippie peace medicine made in China.

3. Old people will be given a pop quiz. For every wrong answer, the government gets to take a year off their life. The quiz is in Swahili.

2. Babies born in Hawaii will have their birth certificate implanted in their skull.

1. All your base are belong to us.*



*Go HERE for an explantion of AYBABTU. That's some nerd stuff for all the Parker Briggsmores out there. Seriously.

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