Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Top 10 Most Read Posts in January 2009

The Top 10 Most Read Posts in January 2009

As you know, here at The Literary Brothel everything is a popularity contest. Not wanting to break from the spirit of the site, below are the ten most read posts in January of 2009.

Well, these are the posts that got the mosts visits - we're just assuming they were read. Perhaps "top ten posts looked at for more than a second," would be more accurate. Perhaps if you didn't read them fully, now is your chance to check them out. Perhaps we're finished with this parenthetical introduction and are moving on to the posts.

January's Ten Most Popular Pieces (followed by a brief hypothosis serving as a half-assed explanation of the popularity of the piece)

In order of popularity

1. The Great Vodka Taste Test of 2008 - You can't imagine how many people search for "Stolichnaya Brothel" on a daily basis. Unless you can imagine ten people.

2. Movie Review: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (No Spoilers) - Apparently Langdon's review is one of the few that points out the absurdity of Hurricane Katrina in this otherwise believable epic masterpiece.

3. Boobie Games vs. Boobbie Games - No idea why this musing on keywords would land people on our site. All right, we have some idea, but we still don't know what a "boobie game" is. Seriously.

4. Charles Bukowski Quote: Being Old and Writing - People love Bukowski quotes. LOVE them.

5. Bukowski Quotes vs. Charles Bukowski Quotes - See #4.

6. Ten Reasons Why Michael Phelps is an Asshole - There are still folks out there who want the Olympic champ to be a d-bag underneath all that gold. Lots of folks.

7. Grammar vs. Grammer: Confusing Words Part I - Until our educational system gets better, this post will continue to get hits.

8. Oscar Predictions: Updated! - Langdon's second piece also garnered bunch of traffic. And his pics weren't too far off, either...or were they? (No, they weren't, but that question is our way of saying, "hey, check out his pics and see for yourself." In case you missed it.)

9. The Literary Brothel is Alive! - As it is our introductary post, this SHOULD get a lot of hits. You've read it, right? Right?!?

10. Jack in the B-Fish: A New Controversial Logo - See, there IS something mysterious going on with that Jack in the Box logo. We're not the only ones who spot conspiracy when they see something...fishy?

You knew that was coming.



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