Friday, April 24, 2009

Let the Right One In: Twilight For Grown Ups

Langdon's movie recommendation for the week is Let The Right One In - a vampire film from Sweden. The film is just your typical boy-meets-girl, boy-gets-beaten-up-by-bullies, girl's-live-in-boyfriend-slaughters-innocent-civillians-to-cure-her-vampire-bloodlust, boy-and-girl-form-bond-against-the-cruel-society movie. In other words, it's Ingmar Bergman meets John Carpenter.

As the title of the post suggests, this is the teen angst film that Twilight was supposed to be, only done right. It has gloomy and oppressive scenery, filmed during winter storms with dark colors. It is simultaneously creepy and touching. You feel the kids in the film really form a bond. Plus, there is no silly old timey baseball scene like in other teenage vampire movies that shall remain nameless.

And get a load of that messed up girl in the photo. The violence is shown in ample amounts but it does not seem exaggerated (the way the American remake will be, no doubt). There is enough to satisfy my typical American male bloodlust, but enough is shown off screen to leave it to the imagination and make the film truly scary.

If you are the sort of person who is more afraid of subtitles than vampires, this film may not be for you. Everyone else: check it out.


1 comment:

Klaus Varley said...

Let the Right One In is just beautiful.

And I don't use that word lightly.


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