Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lower the Drinking Age to 18 - and other things in the news

Dwindling coverage of Michael Phelps means a drop in hits for The Literary Brothel.

So, as another strategy to keep our 100 visitors a day (yep, you read right - one hundred) we're gonna try to keep up on other current events - or at least we are going to try that today, for this afternoon edition of The Literary Brothel.

Google News, don't steer me wrong. Let's see what we've got:

"Should 18 be the legal drinking age?" - Answer: yes. Moving on.

"Seinfeld to become new face of Microsoft" - Ah, so that's how one follows The Bee Movie

"Obama points to McCain as wealthy and clueless" - In other words, "In debate with McCain, Obama holds up a mirror to his opponent."

"Margaret Cho has some serious tattoos." Okay, not the "official" story from the New York Times (she's got a new show or something...who has time to read these NYT articles all the way through?) but check out this pic:

That's news. I guess.


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