Monday, August 4, 2008

Bukowski Quotes vs. Charles Bukowski Quotes

Klaus Varley

While searches for both "bukowski quotes" and "charles bukowski quotes" land a number of visitors on The Literary Brothel, the visitors for each search are quite different.

According to Google Analytics, those who simply input "bukowski quotes" spend an average of nineteen seconds on the site while searchers for "charles bukowski quotes" average but five seconds. That's less than one third of the time. There might even be an exact measurement of the relationship, but no one can figure it out. (You say you can, and that relationship is 5:18? Thank you very much, Ms. Smarty-Pants Fourth Grader)

So why the disparity in average site visit time for people who seem to be searching for the same thing? There can only be one logical explanation:

1. After writing the laborious keywords "charles bukowski quotes," one is so tuckered out by the strain of typing that when they land on a smattering of quotes on a site called The Literary Brothel they are none too impressed. "I wanted ALL Bukowski quotes, dammit, that's why I typed his FULL name," they think, as they quickly navigate away to a more informative site."

Of course, there might be other reasons.

But probably not.

Mystery solved.

I'm off to surf the web...I mean, er, do "research."



Brian said...

How do you find all that crap out? Where do you get the stats? I'm nervous because I've accidentally visited a lot of sites with searches for "nasty domination fetish pictures of" and so on.

Klaus Varley said...

Two words: Google Analytics.

Oh brother, the stats we get are from the free version. There is a pay-version of all these site tracker programs that can tell everything. Everything? Yes, everything, including your name, age, and what you're wearing while on their site...

In other words, dude, you're screwed.

In even more words, use someone else's computer when you look for that stuff. Seriously.

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