Thursday, October 30, 2008
10 Reasons to Vote for John Sidney McCain
This article lacks...what's the word...oh yes, "seriousness." -KV
Ten Reasons to Vote for John S. McCain (if you haven't done so already)
Klaus Varley
10. Because the last 8 years were great. That war, this economic crisis. Hogwash. Republicans-4-lif.
9. Because women shouldn't have the right to choose to have an abortion. That's what a 2000 year old, translated text is do our thinkin' for us.
8. Because McCain knows how to fix the economy, or at least knows a lot more than when he said he didn't know much about it (2007).
7. Because you love it when McCain gets that "I'm back in de tiger cage!" look on his face.
6. Because the biased liberal media will never admit that Obama is a Muslim who pals around with terrorists, but you know better, because, well you haven't seen any "facts," but they must be hiding something...the Democrats are the Hiders. No, no proof of that either, but uh, you can just tell.
5. Because black people are just different. And half-black people are TOTALLY different. C'mon! Why don't they bring up Reverend Wright more often?
4. Because hot headed men are hot. (Duh, it's in their name)
3. Because more US soldiers and Middle Eastern civilians should die for oil, I mean, freedom.
2. Because Palin is hot. The Republicans have the hot ticket this year!
1. Because you can't trust people who are smarter than you. McCain / Palin 08 - they ain't smarter than us. That should be their slogan. I should know - I'm smarter than them...are.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Ten Reasons to Vote YES on Prop 8 - California's "Protect Marriage" Proposition
In case you needed a reason to keep homosexuals from marrying one another, here is not just one reason, but ten! Enjoy! (Please note: Reasons 1-3, 6 and 7 are from the Yes on 8 website. I could not make them up. Believe me, I tried: see reasons 4 and 5, 8-10) -KV
1. Californian's Passed Prop 22 in 2000 to ban gay marriage but judges overturned it, calling it "unconstitutional," whatever that means. Seriously, if history teaches us anything, it is that we should always do what we've done before...and by that, I mean take away the rights of people who are different than us.
2. The judges that overturned Prop 22 were "activist" judges. And by activist, we mean gay. We checked. And by "checked," I mean we stole their wallets. Their "gay club" card was right next to their "activist club" card. And they didn't have much cash.
3. These "activist" judges were based in San Francisco. Sin City! What...apparently that is Las Vegas. And a movie. Well, it's definitely Sin City 2 then...until the movie comes out.
4. San Francisco is so gay that if you go there you might question your own sexuality and the sexuality of Jesus...or at least admire Jesus for his great abdominal muscles. There was a point here, but I'm not sure what is it...
5. San Francisco makes you forget the point you are trying to make. It's that bad.
6. We're undermining marriage at a point where we should be restoring marriage. I don't know what this means, but it sounds sorta-rational. Believe it!
7. First Graders were Taken on a Field Trip to a Gay Wedding. First-graders shouldn't have to go to ANY weddings, let alone gay ones because weddings are freaking BORING without booze.
8. I don't like to think about two guys kissing. Two women? That's another story. Have you seen BOUND with Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly? See, that's a beautiful relationship...and they didn't need to get married!
9. Gina Gershon is smokin' hot in that movie. That just needed to be said.
10. If we let homosexuals marry, we'll be making the terrorists happy. See, because terrorists hate freedom and we're the bastion of freedom...and though if Proposition 8 passes we'll be taking away a freedom, well, see, it's the kind of freedom the terrorists like. Look, I don't really have time to explain all the statues and limitations to you...just vote Yes on 8 to keep two guys from kissing, ewww, seriously, that's disgusting can you imagine what they do in their bedroom, no don't think of it, stop! my point is that gays are destroying our country that was founding on liberty, justice, and heterosexuality - before that word was even invented! And don't forget, marriage is a religious issue, even though it's a civil matter - again, can't explain it, just trust me. Lastly, Jesus was not gay, even though his "disciples" were all guys, stop spreading that rumor and vote Yes on 8 so guys can't kiss...what? they can still kiss? Just wait till next election...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Barack Obama on the Role of Government
“Government cannot solve all our problems, but what it should do is that which we cannot do for ourselves: protect us from harm and provide every child a decent education; keep our water clean and our toys safe; invest in new schools and new roads and new science and technology.”
-Barack Obama, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
McCain Should Release Medical Records
Now I know where Matt Damon was getting his information. -KV
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Republicans Go Off On John McCain
We don't often "do video" here at The Brothel, but you gotta see this:
"Is he so desperate to get off the economic issue that he will, basically, promise America that they are facing grim times ahead...?"
Answer: yes.
Oh, don't forget what Thad Cochran - Republican Senator from Mississippi who has known McCain for more than thirty years, said about McCain back in January 2008:
The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine," Cochran said about McCain by phone. "He is erratic. He is hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me."
-The Boston Globe, Jan. 27, 2008
To be fair, Joe Biden said some no-so-nice things about Barack Obama back in the Democratic primary. However, Joe never used the word "cold chill." That's some strong language, Thad.
If you are reading this and even THINKING about voting for McCain, please take Pat Buchanan's words to heart.
And also please note, that is the first and last time I will write "please take Pat Buchanan's words to heart."
Monday, October 20, 2008
Frank Rich is Pissed...and rightly so, says McCain
I'm not a regular Frank Rich fan, or a regular reader of the New York Times, but this article takes it to the McCain campaign, just before McCain tried to calm some of his fanatic supporters.
See that video HERE.
And below is a quote from the Frank Rich article:
"Voters are looking for a leader who might help rescue them, not a reckless gambler whose lurching responses to the economic meltdown (a campaign “suspension,” a mortgage-buyout stunt that changes daily) are as unhinged as his wanderings around the debate stage."
Read the entire bad boy at the New York Times:
Is The Literary Brothel getting political in these last two weeks before the election? You betcha.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)
Sorry, but when the headline reads "MILF warned..." I laugh, and stop reading.
These guys need a better acronym.
These guys need a better acronym.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The New Yorker on Why You Should Vote Obama
I don't usually post on the weekend NOR quote The New Yorker but tucked away in the Comment section is a little gem called "The Choice," written by the editors of the magazine. I wouldn't have read it, except that my girlfriend said "you have to read this." I do what she says. Because that's how good relationships work. -KV
"At a moment of economic calamity, international perplexity, political failure, and battered morale, America needs both uplift and realism, both change and steadiness. It needs a leader temperamentally, intellectually, and emotionally attuned to the complexities of our troubled globe. That leader's name is Barack Obama."
-The Editors of the New Yorker, Oct. 13, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Charles Bukowski on Writing
What? Another Bukowski quote? When are you going to write something, Klaus!?!
Never fear, a little something is coming tomorrow, and a little "something something" is coming on Monday. Stay tuned... -KV
Bukowski on "How to Become a Good Writer"
"The problem with being a poet is that by the time you get well-known you can't write anymore. or, at least, not as well, but, still, being young & unknown isn't the answer either. a lot of them grin out machine-made shit that they think is very real only because they like it. then, they quit. to become a good writer takes time & luck & moxie & no special desire to be a good writer."
-Charles Bukowski to Douglas Blazek, January 15th, 1968
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Los Angeles Driver Quiz
Are you a Los Angeles driver? Take this convenient quiz and find out!
1. When merging onto the freeway, you do which of the following:a. Signal
b. Check Blind Spot
c. Adjust the radio
d. Put on a fresh layer of eyeliner, call agent, get secretary, chew that bitch out for a while because that’s what she gets paid 7$ an hour for, hang up, brake for no reason, laugh out loud, look around to see if anyone is notices how glamorous you look when laughing, merge.
2. What do you use turn signals for?
a. To accompany Eminem as the lost beat in “Lose Yourself”
b. Fun. {click, click, click}
c. What are these “turn signals” of which you speak?
d. My ass looks sexy in these pants.
3. What’s the speed limit on the freeway?
a. 65 mph
b. 70 mph
c. 1.21 giggawatts
d. Industry standard.
4. The Metro-Bus…
a. is a viable, economic, and environmentally-friendly alternative to driving your own.
b. is something I have heard of, but never ridden.
c. is a slow ass, road-hogging, box of metal poo.
d. goes to Mexico, I think.
e. is for losers.
5. Pedestrians…
a. make good hood ornaments.
b. need to step back on the curb.
c. should only exist between the valet and the club entrance.
d. do not exist. Nobody walks in LA. There is a reason a song was written with that title – because it’s true. Like all songs.
6. Which of the following intersections have a protected turn arrow?
a. Sepulveda and Wilshire
b. Santa Monica Boulevard and Sawtelle
c. 1st and Flower
d. What is this “protected turn arrow” of which you speak?
7. When is it legal to make a U-turn?
a. At an intersection with a traffic light.
b. When a parking spot across the street opens up.
c. When it feels right.
d. Whenevs.
8. What should you say never say to a police officer in order to get out of a ticket?
a. Sorry officer, this is my daddy’s car – I’m not used to driving such an expensive and fast automobile. My BMW is in the shop, and I swear I only drive the speed limit in it.
b. Is it true that all cops are gay?
c. Which way to the terrorist convention?
d. I’m a serious blogger, and if you give me a ticket, I will blog about you and list your name on my blog, and everyone will know that Sergeant Michaels of the West Los Angeles Division of the LAPD is an asshole. I swear I’ll do it. Please stop laughing and writing that ticket…
So are you an LA Driver? If you answered "a," "b," "c," or "d," to any of the questions above, it doesn’t mean much of anything. Just like driving in LA, there is no system – you’re on your own.
In other words, who knows? Just stay the hell out of my way.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Monday Wednesday Friday OR Tuesday Thursday? : The Literary Brothel's New Schedule
You may have noticed that The Literary Brothel (TLB)'s posting schedule has been in flux.
What you did not notice - but may have guessed - is that this is due to Klaus paying more attention to other things in his life. Like his job.
But never fear - The Brothel will continue to be updated. However, it will likely be on either a MWF schedule, or a Tues/Thurs schedule. Check back at the beginning of each week to see which schedule it is on!
Such as:
Oh boy, there is a posting on Monday! This must be a MWF week!
Oh boy, there is a posting on Tuesday! This must be a Tues / Thurs week!
Get the picture?
Pop quiz - when is the next posting coming?
If you said Wednesday, you are correct.
If you didn't say Wednesday, please do not vote in the upcoming election.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
From Inside a Republican Think Tank
From Inside a Republican Think Tank
by Klaus Varley
Please note: Codenames used. -KV
Please also note: Technically "code names" is two words. The one-worded "codenames" is actually a code name for "code names." And no, I would not make up this joke to just to avoid correcting a misspelled word. -KV
[McSame and McLame enter the room]
McSame: Did you hear that stupid shit that Palin said?
McLame: Which stupid shit?
McSame: Good one. The Katie Couric interview.
McLame: Goddammit, don’t get me started on Katie. It’s too early in the morning.
McSame: The question was, what do you read to get your information? Palin said, I read everything. Couric asked her to name one; Palin said, “I read them all.”
McLame: No, she didn’t.
McSame: She did.
McLame: Why didn’t she name some obscure Alaskan publication that Couric’s never heard of?
McSame: I don’t know.
McLame: How about Fox News?
McSame: Couric said "read."
McLame: (silence) What would you have said?
McSame: Some obscure Alaskan publication.
McLame: Yeah, me too.
[AceMcCain enters the room.]
AceMcCain: What’s up, people?
McSame & McLame: Hey.
AceMcCain: Did you guys hear that stupid shit Sarah Palin said?
McSame & McLame: Which stupid shit?
AceMcCain: Jinx.
McLame: We don’t have names. You can’t jinx us.
McSame: Yeah.. (to AceMcCain) What stupid shit, man?
AceMcCain: Nevermind. I’m so tired of this election. Our candidates suck.
McSame: Who, Father Time and Mrs. Moose-shit for brains?
AceMcCain: (sigh)
McLame: We gotta bring the focus back on Obama.
McSame: That’s right.
AceMcCain: Do you think everyone knows he’s black?
McLame: Yeah.
McSame: And that his first name rhymes with Osama?
McLame: They got it.
AceMcCain: What about his middle name – it’s Hussein for Christ-sakes.
McLame: Doesn’t matter so much anymore.
McSame: He was a rogue scholar.
McLame: You mean, Rhodes Scholar?
McSame: Same thing.
AceMcCain: I don’t think those are the same thing, but it doesn’t matter anyway, no one knows what either of those things are. What else?
McSame: He’s liberal.
AceMcCain: I guess. He doesn’t seem that liberal though.
McLame: He’s a democrat.
AceMcCain: True.
McSame: He’s popular.
AceMcCain: Tried it, remember? Apparently being popular isn’t a bad thing.
McSame: He’s dumb.
AceMcCain: Who’s dumb?
McSame: Obama.
[McLame and AceMcCain stare blankly at McSame.]
McSame: What?
AceMcCain: So, what are we going with this week?
McLame: Can we make things up?
AceMcCain: Is this a Rupublican think tank?
McLame: He’s Muslim.
McSame: He’s Jewish.
McLame: He’s self-hating
McSame: He’s a self-hating Islamic Jew
McLame: He has met with self-hating Islamic Jews
McSame: He pals around with self-hating Islamic Jews
AceMcCain: Slow down…I can’t write this fast…
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Another Quote from Charles Bukowski
Another Quote from Bukowski. Because people like reading them. -KV
"all I need now is 60 days in jail or 10 years, and my whole thought process will be realigned. everything happens for the best and the worst, like when Marina was first born, the line popped into my head, 'she will probably be fucked by a sailor who never read Walter De La Mare.' that was then. now, I think, so what?"
-Charles Bukowski, Letter to John William Corrington, January 3, 1968
"all I need now is 60 days in jail or 10 years, and my whole thought process will be realigned. everything happens for the best and the worst, like when Marina was first born, the line popped into my head, 'she will probably be fucked by a sailor who never read Walter De La Mare.' that was then. now, I think, so what?"
-Charles Bukowski, Letter to John William Corrington, January 3, 1968
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
UCLA Loses to Fresno State, Crowd Throws Up
This article is about UCLA's 36-31 loss to Fresno State last Saturday (Sept. 27th, 2008) at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, CA. It was 91 degrees with 36% humidity. Yes, it is relevant. -KV
UCLA Loses, Crowd throws up A LOT.
Okay, maybe they didn't throw up. Maybe they were dehydrated.
"More than 800 people got sick (13 went to the hospital) after watching the Fresno Bulldogs beat the UCLA Bruins on Saturday at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena." -LAist
What the hell is the LAist? Let's try a more reputable source. (The following quotes all hail from the LA Times)
"We had a lot of out-of-town fans who might not have been acclimated or prepared for the Southern California weather conditions," stated Pasadena Fire Department Spokeswoman, Lisa Derderian.
Oh snap, it must have been those weak Fresno fans. But wait, the Times comes to their defense:
"Steven Trembley, a spokesman for the Fresno State Athletic Department said Monday he was aware that fans were treated for heat-related issues but said he had not heard that Fresno State fans were disproportionately affected by the heat, which they must deal with on a regular basis for home games in the San Joaquin Valley."
That's right, succas. It gets plenty hot in Fresno. PLENTY HOT.
So what the hell happened?
"The combination of pregame activities, including drinking at tailgate parties, coupled with a flood of fans trying to get into the stadium before kickoff may have contributed to the high volume of medical calls, Derderian said."
That's right. I forgot how unusual it is at football games for fans to drink until the last minute and come in the stadium right at kickoff.
The Times article then ends with a clue:
"Most of the patients -- many complaining of dizziness, nausea and dehydration -- came from the north end of the end zone and did not fit a pattern of age or gender."
The north end, eh? Hmmm. On one side of the north end is the visitor's section...yet on the other sit the UCLA students. How about a description of their clothing? Were they wearing red or blue? White or gold? Did they have a bulldog on their shirt or a bear?
And lastly, did they have a Mac or PC with them in the Medical tent? Because if they had a PC, they were definitely from Fresno.
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