Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Conversation With My Girlfriend in the Morning

A Conversation With My Girlfriend in the Morning
Klaus Varley

Looking at my Threadless t-shirt, my girlfriend asked, "When are we going to be too old to wear designer tees?"

"I don't know," I said in confusion, "Never?"

"I think probably 35," she said with as much certainty that can accompany a sentence containing the word "probably."

I eliminated any doubt that the look on my face was indeed one of shock by saying, "Jesus, that's only a few years away."

But she knew how to alleviate the pain. "Then we can wear them again when we're old. Like hippies and tie-dye, you know?"

I quickly did math in my head. "So it's just a thirty year gap when we have to dress seriously?"

"Yeah," she said, getting into her car and kissing her T-shirt clad boyfriend goodbye.

I walked back up to our apartment, made some coffee, hung out with the cat, and blogged about the conversation, butchering the words but trying to catch the spirit. And wondering if she was right.

She was probably right.

But what about the weekends? Will we wear t-shirts then?

Maybe, but they probably won't be designer tees.

Or will they?

No, they won't.



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