Monday, March 30, 2009

Klaus Varley Explains Humor: Obama's Special Olympics Gaffe

President Barack Obama's recent misstep on Jay Leno has been reported so incorrectly by the media it warrants an entirely new series of posts: Klaus Varley Explains Humor

This isn't the first time we've had to explain humor. (Perhaps we'll go back and include the older posts in this series, but for now you'll have to be satisfied with this link to them.) And I'm guessing it won't be the last.

The press has reported that Obama compared his bowling score to those in the Special Olympics. This is incorrect. The actual joke is a bit more complicate

The Situation: Obama states he's improving in his bowling skills: he recently bowled a 129. Jay teases Obama because Obama thinks 129 is a respectable score, giving him false praise. The crowd laughs. Obama then comments on Jay's fake support, comparing JAY'S FAKE SUPPORT to people who cheer on the Special Olympics.

It's quick, and there is applause over it, but if you listen closely, you can hear Obama say while laughing, "All supportive, this is like Special Olympics or something."

Is that joke in poor taste? Probably. However, Obama is NOT poking fun of participants in the Special Olympics, he is joking about people who pretend to cheer on the participants. The difference is real. Whether it makes a difference to you, that is another question.

And thus, the humor has been explained.


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