Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ridley Scott's Commercial Against National Debt

Here is an amusing commercial from 1987. It is directed by Ridley Scott and features some of the same Bladerunner type atmosphere we have come to expect from a dystopian future. Notice how deficit spending has brought about nuclear winter so everything is really dusty.

In the future, all of the kids execute their elders in a Children of the Corn type military coup, for the crime of running up the national debt to an astonishing 2 trillion dollars! Chump change nowadays, but the kids are pissed off just the same.



Ann Vremont said...

Paid for by W.R. Grace, a company that has hardly shown its concern for future generations w/ ground water pollution in NJ ("A Civil Action") and more currently the largest EPA superfund payment for vermiculite/asbestos contamination in Libby, Montana.

Klaus Varley said...

Hey, but at least Grace is trying...with scary commercials.

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