Wednesday, June 3, 2009

1000 Pages a Day - 3

This post is the third part of an ongoing series. Here's the previos post which links to the first post about this. Confused? Good. -KV


I sat down with a friend of mine the other day and told him this joke.

"What comes before every racist joke?"

I glanced over my left shoulder, then my right.

"What?" he asked.

"That's it. The looking around to make sure you don't offend anyone."

"Oh," was his response.

"Yeah," was mine.

It's exactly the same when talking about graduate school. Want to tell a fellow graduate student a juicy rumor about a professor? Check your shoulders. No professors? What about other graduate students who may or may not revere the professor because they are either complete history dorks or complete scheming politically minded history dorks? Especially be on the lookout for the latter.

If the coast is clear, then plow away.

For now, the coast is clear. Let's get started.

(To be continued...)


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