Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Cell Phones in Powell Library - Tasable Offense?

There are many horrible things about the UCLA Taser Incident of 2006, but one of the worst is that Tabatabainejad was tased for passively resisting the police.

If people are to be tased, and if the job of the UCPD is to protect UC students, (along with staff and faculty) then students should be able to decide what is a tasable offense.

Having spent much time in the Powell Library Computer Lab (I'm there now) where Tabatabainejad was tased, it is obvious that there are only THREE tasable offenses, and passive resistance is not one of them. Here they are, in order of severity:

1. Talking on your cell phone for longer than 10 seconds to say, "I'm in the library, can I call you back?" Click. Done. Conversation over.

2. Coming to the library sick, sneezing on the keyboard and leaving it for the next person without first cleaning it with the nearby hand sanitizer.

3. Printing out more than fifty copies at a time. Seriously, what the hell are people printing?

Okay, so students shouldn't be tased for any reason...

But if you were sitting next to the girl I'm sitting next to, a girl who is like, uh huh, really, no way - on her cell, well then, you might think different.


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