Friday, July 4, 2008

Watching Raw Footage of My Parents' Trip to Africa While Using Their Wireless to Write This

Things Learned:

Hippos love grass.

Elephants are large.

Baby lions are cute.

Crocodiles are scary-looking rocks.

Wind is bad for camcorder sound.

My parents love birds.

Real life jackals are identical to the ones in The Lion King.

A mobile bar comes with the safari package.

Hippos are the only animal whose babies look uglier than the adults.

Giraffes are tall.

The "zoom" function can be overused.

Mongoose don't hold still for the camera.

Real life warthogs are identical to the ones in The Lion King.


It turns out this is only part 1! We're but half-way through the footage. Look at all we've learned! Imagine how much there is to begot in part two...

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