Monday, January 5, 2009

I don't go to your job and knock the dicks out of your mouth

If you missed this clip, as we are a site called "The Literary Brothel," it is our duty to show it to you.

My dad (oh no!) who told me about this soundbite made it seem as if Griffin was serious. Upon review, The Literary Brothel has ruled that no, she was not serious, but jokingly ripping on Anderson Cooper to crack up the crew thinking they had gone to commercial.

[Editor's Note: We now have taken the view purported by commenter "Carrie," who thought Kathy was yelling at someone in the crowd. If you watch closely, right before the gaff Griffin is talking to at least two people off camera, then says, "Why is everyone here mocking me?" to Anderson Cooper. It also makes more sense that she is yelling the "dicks" comment if the person is farther away. But with Griffin, you never know. -KV]

Stay classy, Kathy G.



Unknown said...

I like your take on it. I'm glad I don't need to hate yet another person for gay-bashing or putting their foot in their mouth while miked. So tired of being outraged.

Carrie M said...

Plus, she wasn't bagging on Anderson, from what I heard, but yelling back at a heckler in the crowd. Plus plus, the gay community likes Anderson's use of "Oh, honey" in this clip and sees it as further proof of his closetedness.

Klaus Varley said...

Yeah, I think Griffin would be the last person to gay bash - that would be like bashing her entire fan base.

That's true, you can't tell who Griffin is yelling at. Yeah, my dad though the comment might have "outed" Anderson, but Anderson's use of the word "honey" outs him more than anything.

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