Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama's TO DO Lists

Obama's TO DO Lists

Some of you may be wondering how we here at The Literary Brothel got our hands on newly sworn in President Obama's "To Do" lists, so soon after his inauguration. Well, the truth is that Obama is a big fan of The Literary Brothel and wanted to help us get a few more hits. And by "truth" we mean, "made up story."

Anyway, what matters is that we've got 'em. However, the lists are freakin' long. So, the whole lists will not be posted. Instead, we bring you:

Obama's "To Do" lists

1. Economy
2. Iraq War
3. Jump Shot
4. Guantanamo
5. Health Care
18. Book Deals for Politicians (Reminder: Check royalties from "Audacity." Someone is getting paid, gosh darnit...)
27. Education
38. The Earth
39. Hip Hop
62. Alaska

HOPEFULLY/SOMEDAY (But won't sweat if not done)
1. Gay Rights
12. Women's Rights
17. Amish Rights
36. More Black Santas in Malls
49. Remove Tax-Exemption status for Mormons, Scientologists
88. Learn Chinese
101. Find a good Civil War reenactment group to join
176. Dunk Touch the rim
209. Open Speech-Making School. Enroll Al Gore, others
598. Help Klaus get more hits on The Literary Brothel (Thanks, man!)

We're keeping our expectations low; obviously the man has a lot on his plate.

And by THE MAN we mean Barack Obama: The New Definition of "The Man."



Shelby said...

the amish rights? interesting..

Klaus Varley said...

Sure, Amish rights. You know, the right to use kerosene lamps, the right to make your own clothes, the right to not be the butt of easy jokes...

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