Monday, January 12, 2009

What do New York, West Hollywood, Bevery Hills, and Portland have in common?

All those cities have people? Those people walk a lot of dogs? Sure, but New York, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and Portland also share the infamous distinction of being the top four cities that sent visitors to The Literary Brothel in 2008.

I know what you're thinking: isn't West Hollywood a part of Los Angeles?

Actually, no, it is its own city.

How did West Hollywood send more people to The Literary Brothel than Los Angeles, when the site creator and many of his friends live in that city?

It's pretty simple when you think about it.

A lot of people in West Hollywood search for brothels.

Are there a lot of brothels in West Hollywood?

I hear there are, but they're probably not the type of brothels you think of when you think of the word "brothel." Unless, of course, you're gay.

Then, yes, those are exactly the type of brothels you're thinking about. Well done.

And so, this is just a brief welcome note: Welcome West Hollywoodians to The Literary Brothel. I hope you find what you are looking for.

But I doubt you will on this site. We tend to be more "literary" than "brothel."

But if you're looking for Bukowski quotes, we've got plenty.


Okay, okay, try the nondescript building on Beverly just east of Vermont.

See how we always come through for our readers?



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