Monday, January 26, 2009

domino apple bean salad jumper lion

Domino Apple Bean Salad Jumper Lion: The Strangest Keywords to Hit The Literary Brothel So Far This Year

"Best Books for Highschool Boys" - The best books for high school boys are on the shelf next to books like New Ways to Spell 'High School' for Parents.

"Get your HD porn iass now !" - Confusing as hell, but we dig the exclamation mark.

"My girlfriend in brothel" - And you're searching for her on the web? You should get out there and find her, man! Bring her home! (I told you we dug the exclamation mark.)

"Anderson Cooper + Dogs" - This can't be good. Or can it?

"Jumper Lion Asshole Bean Salad Panda Blog" - Is this related to "Domion Apple Bean Salad Jumper Lion" in some way?

"Open 24 hours 7 days brothel cold coast" - Which coast?

"Boobie Games" - Still a crowd favorite despite the fact that we're still not sure what a "boobie game" actually is.

"Domino Apple Bean Salad Jumper Lion" - Yes, this string of words landed people on The Brothel. Four times.


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