Friday, June 27, 2008

The Original Brothel Members

If you knew The Brothel from 2001 - 2005, then you know that it was a collaborative effort. Klaus led the charge, but there were others - many others. Some of the biggies were Mary Allen, Teddy Nutmeg, Parker Briggsmore, Aine Brigit, Kat Bannister and Boris Salvador. And me, Charlie Luzon.

But you wouldn't know it by the "new" Literary Brothel.

Klaus put up one of my pieces (please link that, Klaus -ed. note: Done. If only there were an easy "link" button next to the paragraph formatting line on the toolbar, contributors could do it themselves...) but it wasn't my introduction, nor my best work.

After much pleading, Klaus caved and started handing out access to the site. I got an invite. Parker did too. Klaus even sent a nice note along with the access codes. It read, "Now you can put up your own crap," or something to that effect.

And it was effective. Here I am, putting up my own "crap." With more to come.

Much more.

You have been warned.

And have just read my (new) introduction.


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