Sunday, June 15, 2008

Obscure Montana Laws

Not sure if these are "true" or not...our "fact" checker has taken a "sabbatical," whatever that is. So, we here at The Brothel feel the best way to find out if the law is real is to break it! Don't forget a video camera and/or to inform your local police officer. And let us know the results! -KV

A FEW OF THE STRANGE LAWS STILL ON THE BOOKS IN MONTANA (and by "on the books" we mean carved into the mountainside...Montana style)
by Klaus Varley

Indians traveling in groups of seven or more are considered a war party. Indians traveling to Utah are considered a "lost party" while Indians traveling to Vegas are considered "ready to party."

Illegal to sacrifice an animal in the presence of a minor. Unless moon is full and wind portents good fortune.

Throwing any hard objects by hand is prohibited. Especially the Bible.

If a wife opens her husband's mail, it is a felony. If she opens the packages wrapped in black plastic, it counts as two felonies. Those are daddy's.

It is illegal to show a movie that depicts a felony. Unless that felony is "throwing hard objects by hand" when the hard objects are baseballs and the movie being shown is Field of Dreams. See Costner clause, section 198.9.


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