Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Searching for The Brain Transplant Journal? Welcome to The Literary Brothel!

The Literary Brothel has been getting some love from the Blog-o-sphere, which is great, but since we've been reposted in the Brain Transplant Journal, if one Googles Klaus Varley, one lands on that posting over this website! (Yet one lands on my amazon profile above everything...want to buy some books?)

And so, instead of promoting Klaus Varley more on this site...okay, along with promoting Klaus Varley more on this site, this posting is an attempt to snag some BRAIN TRANSPLANT JOURNAL searches, or people searching for LAURA of the BRAIN TRANSPLANT JOURNAL, or anything else related to BRAIN TRANSPLANTS or JOURNALS or Oregon.

I have no idea if capitalizing words makes them more searchable, but hey, it's worth a shot.

And a shot is all we have when we're up against a powerhouse like the BRAIN TRANSPLANT JOURNAL.

Thus concludes Klaus Varley's commentary about THE BRAIN TRANSPLANT JOURNAL.



Laura said...

Uh, oh. Sorry about that. Maybe I should delete that post, so you'll get more hits?

Carrie M said...

Klaus, how 'bout you quit Googling yourself and write something new?


Carrie M said...

But man, when I do Google you, why does "Flip a Towel" come up on Right Wing News? WTF?

Laura said...

When I searched for Klaus Varley on Yahoo, Brain Transplant never came up. I did find the Amazon profile, some article on a teacher certification test, The Literary Brothel's Flip a Towel post (just on its own, not on Right Wing News), and the blogger profile.

Klaus Varley said...

L- No, you gotta keep the post now, or mine won't make any sense!

C - I'll Google who I darn well please!

C's "WTF" - The little known secret behind "Right Wing News" is that back in 2001 it used to be a humor AND conservative site called "BrassKnuckles." Since then, they've lost their (sense of) humor.

Laura said...

Duly noted.

Carrie M said...

Ohhhh! I remember Brass Knuckles! How kind of them to retain your piece even after they went mad.

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