Friday, December 19, 2008

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Job

This piece is from guest contributor "Loma," which - if you couldn't guess by the quotes around her singular-worded moniker - is not her real name. -KV

Top 10 mistakes to avoid when applying for a job
by Loma


# 10 - Use cute abbreviations as though you were firing off a text message to a friend, as in "Pls see the attached resume and letter. Thx."

# 9 - Send your resume from an unusual e-mail address, like bigmoerocks@yahoo or lovezthempinups@aol.

# 8 - Write your entire cover letter and resume in ALL CAPS.

# 7 - Make your cover letter one long 300-word paragraph. That is a lot of paragraph.

# 6 - Attach a photo of yourself. e.g. A glamour shot, or a photo "taken last night" in your apartment.

# 5 - Write in your introductory e-mail, before anyone has offered you a job, that you expect to receive X amount in salary, plus medical coverage, plus car-related expenses.

# 4 - Submit a resume that has zero relevance to the job opening, with no cover letter explaining how anything you've done is in any way relevant.

# 3 - Make really standout spelling errors, like

* "Goo morning!"
* "My salry expetation is no less than $40K."

# 2 - Attach two resumes that list totally different companies you've "worked" for. Over the exact same time frame.

# 1 - Be weird. By writing, for example, that you are like Kobe Bryant except that your MVP stands for "Multi-Talented, Victorious, and Persistent."


[We promise the next post will not be a top ten list, though they are catchy and easy to read, don'tchathink?]



Shawn Mitchell said...

Oh, so that's why I haven't found a salaried job in six months.

Klaus Varley said...

Maybe it's because you're multi-talented, victorious and persistent...

Carrie M said...

Shawn, I think it's because you're not putting out.

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