Wednesday, December 17, 2008

10 Things Guys REALLY Want for Christmas

This is more like a Maxim article than a Brothel piece. Hey, we're branching out... Or are we? -KV

Ten Things Guys REALLY Want for X-mas

Klaus Varley

Though most guys will deny it to their girls from here to eternity, below are ten things most men (except your man, of course) would seriously love to get in their stockings.

10. XBOX 360 All the other guys have it. Hey, we can get Rock Band honey, and you can play drums.

9. Motorcycle Any kind will do.

8. 58-inch Plasma HDTV Don't care if it's plasma, rear-projection or made of chipmunks, as long as it works.

7. Rio Brands Foldaway Octagon Poker Table Not to be too specific, but baby, it's only a hundred bucks.

6. Punching Bag and Gloves We like to hit things. I don't know why.

5. Dog Guys love dogs. Except for me; I'm allergic. Seriously (pathetic).

4. Electric Guitar Every guy wants to be a rock star. The more he denies it, the more you'll know it's true.

3. An original Optimus Prime in Shrink Wrap This is only for certain guys. Some people call them nerds. We call them Parker Briggsmore.

2. Stand-up Arcade Game to Put Next to the new Pool Table This is more like two gifts - two GREAT gifts.

1. Angelina Jolie Except for me; I'm allergic. Seriously.



Laura said...

Dang it! I wish you posted this yesterday. I bought presents for two guys yesterday, and some of this would have come in handy. Really.

Klaus Varley said...

If you can afford to buy your friends XBox 360s, motorcycles, and Angelina Jolies, I don't think you need our help picking out presents.

Laura said...

No, I can't afford any of that, but the folding poker table was a good idea. I knew that I shouldn't have bought them tampons.

Anonymous said...

Someone I know should get rid of her cats and get Angelina Jolie instead. I'd still be allergic, but it would be more entertaining.


Klaus Varley said...

And here I thought Jennifer Aniston was the only one allergic to Angelina Jolie.

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