Sunday, January 11, 2009

DJ Octoon's Radio Show "I'm in a Band.." - The BEST in Unsigned Music - is on Tonight!

This post feels eerily schizophrenic. -KV

Because DJ Octoon was generous enough to donate a music review we thought we'd plug his show.

Tonight (Sunday)
8-10pm Pacific

Feel free to chat with DJ Octoon or DJ Slick

AIM: BruinRadio
Phn: 310-825-9085

And if you're an unsigned musician, be sure to send them your music ( and request it Sunday nights during the show. I'm pretty sure they play most everything requested.

They also have a MySpace page. Damn, we're really shilling for them tonight.




Carrie M said...

I think someone should consider seeking psychiatric help for his identity crisis disorder.

Klaus Varley said...

I think "crisis" and "disorder" are too strong of words.

But then again, who am I to judge?

Then again, who am I, not to judge?

In other words, who am I, anyway?

(It's a mystery!)

(Not really)

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